Freedom to Read Week provides an opportunity for Canadians to focus on issues of intellectual freedom as they affect your community, your province, our country, and countries around the world. Whether you are a librarian, bookseller, educator, student, or member of the community, there are lots of ways you can help mark this annual event.

How You Can Observe Freedom to Read Week
We encourage you to use these ideas to Get Involved during Freedom to Read Week and all year round. We sincerely hope your efforts have an impact in your library, classroom and your community.
Organize an Event
Get Social
Celebrate Freedom to Read Week on social media! Tweet @Freedom_To_Read Express what freedom to read…
Get Caught Reading
Pop-Up Readings
Set up a speaker podium where people can read aloud from censored materials. Invite local…
Start a Challenged Book Club
Select a book that has been challenged, and make censorship the focus of your group…
Report a Challenge
Each year, new challenges are made to books, magazines, and other print materials in Canada….
Freedom to Read Trivia
Host a trivia night over Zoom or Google Meet. Click here to visit our resources…
Contact the Media
If your school newspaper reviews books or your library provides a book review column in…
Create a Book Display – Use Our Poster
Organize a book display by genre or theme. You could have a display of censored…
Involve Your Local Government
Ask your municipal or local council to declare your community a Freedom to Read Zone….
Freedom to Read-Themed Activities
Bookcrossing: Free a Challenged Book
Did you know that someone in Canada is trying to stop you from reading certain…