35 Challenged Publications
Articles about Freedom of Expression
Thought-provoking news articles, blog posts, and interviews with champions of free expression.
Bannings and Burnings in History
Censorship at the Canadian border, 1985-2022
The closest thing that Canadians have to a nationwide tally of forbidden documents is the…
Censure aux douanes canadiennes, 1985–2022
Pour savoir ce qui est saisi ou interdit par le gouvernement canadien, on peut consulter…
Challenged Works List
Challenges to Canadian Publications Abroad
Challenges to Publications in Canadian Public Libraries
Documents en français sur la libre expression et la censure au Canada
Cette liste de ressources comprend livres, articles, brochures, périodiques et autres sources d’information sur la…
Games and Quizzes
Use these resources to educate yourself and others. Click on the images to download the…
In Conversation
Kits and Posters from the Archive
Liberté d’expression : guide d’utilisation
Ce document constitue une compilation non-exhaustive de 838 auteur‐es et de 1589 œuvres diffusées en…
Links about Intellectual Freedom
The following is a list of Web sites on intellectual freedom. Each year we update…
Promotional Materials
Help spread the word about Freedom to Read Week. Post a banner on your website…
Teen Freedom to Read Week Video
This inspiring Freedom to Read Week video was made by Julia and Danika from the…